This 24-hr piece of your life is called

Short films are a SPECIAL art form  
It's amazing how producers of SHORT films can make them so compelling given only a brief amount of screen time to do it.  
These are some of the great ones ...
Link to favorite MUSIC from films: CLICK HERE

To fully appreciate these videos you're urged to expand them to FULL SCREEN and to LISTEN on good quality stereo speakers.

A dog stops a PTSD victim from suicide - _____
a 3-minute film

Making THE CHOICE ____
a 22-minute film

A border patrol officer finds redemption____
a 15-minute film

A man discovers a "Black Hole"  ____
a 3-minute film

A PSA announcement for seat belt usage
a 90-sec film

Fantastic production re "personality disorder"____
a 5-mins 20-sec film

There is more than meets the eye, in this random encounter on a park bench.
a 5 mins 40 sec film

Unexpected friends
a 4-minute 10-sec film


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