After growing up in Denver and graduating from Arizona State University a move to Tennessee provided me an opportunity to do some radio announcing in Nashville for the GRAND ‘OLE OPRY. My wife, Frannie, and I raised our son and daughter in various places broadcasting opportunities eventually took us.
That included London for a couple of years as V.P. of European operations for Telmar Communications ... then back to the U.S. to manage several Radio & TV stations.
On being an avid skydiver i discovered that sometimes an adrenaline rush can also be found as an ACTOR ... with less chance of getting KILLED, and I loved it. (Gave up jumping out of airplanes now.)
Have played everything from a judge who likes wearing women's clothes in the movie comedy "Scamelot", to an accident-prone character for a TV commercial filmed in Singapore.
Other films include “Pathfinders”, a WWII drama playing an American General opposed to the invasion of Normandy… and was cast as the title character in “Franklin Wunder” – the story of a man trying to do something "good" for the world on the last day of his life.
I had to MURDER a couple of guys in "Flying Solo", but in a role-reversal became a nice guy as a Catholic priest in "Where There Is Darkness".